Saturday, August 13, 2011


My new!!!


Umesh Bawa said...
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Umesh Bawa said...

Dear Mohit, One thing i'd like to say here that nobody here, could ever say no to own
his personal clicks, and put action on the spot
with cam. I would say, these days.. me too,
finding a great pleasure in clicking shots,
i like to picturise. Thats' why i've been always eager to find unsual objects to record in
my mobile camera.. I like to use camera in myown way...
Well, while looking at these pics,
they made me more anxious now, to roll my camera
more, with excessive clarity than before, and to brought natural beauty better than ever. Nice and unprecented
blog this time for me.. I hope,you'll continue to
surprise here... Thanxx... Byee..

mohit mittal said...

Thanks Umesh.

mikimbizii said...

Lovely pictures, where is this place?

mohit mittal said...

this place is in punjab only near my home in moga...thnx for appreciating.

Vivere said...


Vivere said...

..and the last absolutely brilliant! :)